Wednesday, February 12, 2014

take on Bob Costas' nasty eyes

is there anything more disgusting than Bob Costas' eyes?     Forget all the other travesties at the Sochi Olympics, the everlasting image will Bob's nasty red eyes which have been the talk of the gawker world for a few days now.    I remember the first time I caught him with the pink-eye thing and realizing that it probably meant that he rubbed his eyes after picking his ass (this is the most common way of getting pink-eye and the reason that the most common cases happen to kids).    So Bob either he was picking his ass or he's having some kind of kinky ass/face sex, neither vision is very appealing

anyway, it was so absolutely disgusting looking at this little guy with his gross eyes just staring at you from the TV screen that NBC switching to Matt Lauer was actually a welcome relief, even with his mental-patient haircut and stupid beard


  1. I bet you he got it from that yellow hotel water in Sochi. It's fourth world living conditions over there.

  2. Either that or someone farted in his face... Bob is much too sanctimonious to pick his butt. But that's also the reason why someone would fart in Bob's face.
