Friday, January 17, 2014

take on the dimming sun

saw a picture of a scene in fog-filled China with a beautiful sunset projected on a wall to show the poor 1.2 billion people what clean air looks like.    They aren't actually getting any for their lungs but it's nice to know that they are given the opportunity to look at air the way it's suppose to be.

I looked on my China AirQuality IPhone app this week and Beijing had many days at exactly 500 air quality rating which means that just breathing the air is hazardous for a completely healthy person.   It may sound like some kind of coincidence that the numbers were exactly 500 every day for like a week straight until you realize that the US Consulate scale only goes up to 500 and that third party sources were showing readings in the mid 600's

can't wait to get back over there.

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