Wednesday, January 15, 2014

take on the $172 million dollar penis pump

I've never used a penis pump, so can't speak for it's effectiveness but I have to think that when it comes to modern science, it's gotta be up there as somewhat obsolete.

Today, a report came out which said that Medicare has shelled out about $172 million dollars on Penis pumps over the last 10 years which they say is based on apparatuses that cost $360 a pop

I know that this will get met with screams of 'death panels' but I think it might be time to have some oversight on how the dollar is spent on these government run programs.    I'm not one who thinks that you should give a guy knee surgery when they are on their death bed for cancer, don't feel that an old lady with three weeks to live should get hip replacement surgery on our dime and sure as hell don't think that we should be paying $360 a pop to get grampa to get a stiffy.

First of all, $360 for a penis pump seems outrageously expensive..  I don't know what they should cost but the ones that Ron Jeremy is always hawking on youporn look like they should cost $50..   Secondly,  I don't think those penis pumps are probably all that effective, what the old geezer needs is a 20 year old coed with fake tits that point directly at Kansas.  He can't get it up because his wife uses a walker and her tits hang to her knees.

either that... or get the guy a $360 mountain bike

1 comment:

  1. The rubber p--sy we got Kenny costed like $35 bucks. And he still has it!!!
