Sunday, November 3, 2013

Take on the way that Daylight Saving can fix immigration

There are not a lot if things I dislike more than somebody telling me
when to wake up, and that goes double when that demand comes from Big
Government. Yeah, the idea of Daylight Saving time sounds great,
except if you have young kids who can't be explained that we get an
extra hour of sleep.
I get that this is some big giveback to the farmers akin to those crap
farm-bills but even that doesn't make that much sense. Farmers have
animals, who like a one year kid, can't be explained to go back to
bed. So although the clock says 5am it feels like 6am and that cow
needs to be milked.
So that probably means those farmers have to get up anyway. So maybe
this is more about the ones who have big farmland to tend to so this
really is a big handout to those farmers and more specifically the
people who farm their land. Then it hit me, the people who tend all
this land are the migrant workers and maybe this Daylight Saving Time
thing can answer another conundrum.
Maybe the US cancels this clock change thing in secret next year and
only tell our neighbors until it's too late. Forget all these scare
tactics of border fences, guards and Sherif Joe, instead of trying to
shoot these guys, take away the incentive of an hour of sleep which
right now I'd give almost anything for. All these berry and grain
pickers are going to think twice about coming over, and maybe they'll
decide to stay in Mexico with their fancy clock adjustments and beer
enjoyed with a slice of lime

Maybe the Mexican's will set up guards on their side preventing the
college kids from trying to take advantage of this extra hour of sleep

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