Friday, November 1, 2013

take on the teenage trick or treater

I love Halloween and my enjoyment has only grown as I started trick-or-treating with my own kids.   It's awesome to see the joy they have when they walk up to each of the doors and excitement when they get to dig their hands in boxes of candy to choose between a Snickers bar and a bag of M&M's.
What I don't quite like is that there are a bunch of old kids who are also going door-to-door.   There is a lot of difference, in my mind, to a bunch of four and five year old kids and a bunch of dudes with beards and chicks with pimples and training bras.   
I'm find with them dressing up..but trick or treating is suppose to be more innocent and really nobody should ever eat that much sugar anyway, especially if you already look like crap.

1 comment:

  1. Last year, at age 37, I went trick or treating with my friends' toddlers. Like, as in, I dressed up as Pimp PSY / Korean Elvis and asked for candy in a brown paper bag.

    I scored a lot of candy!!
