Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Take on the Korean driver

I don't like to make gross generalizations over vast groups of people
but I have to say that Koreans are some if the worst drivers in the
world. Just yesterday, the car I was in not only crashed into a
pallet doing a k turn, ran over an orange cone , rear ended a car in a
parking lot and hit a wall and and not one of those actions even
remotely phased the driver. To be fair the wall was obstructed by a
bush although hitting the bush was probably not something that either
the Korean driver bush or the Korean bush really wanted, I am sure

Maybe it's the fact that the entire city of Seoul is one giant
traffics jam, maybe they don't teach driver's ed or maybe I cultural
but it seems like an issue that hasn't improved much.

I can't completely blame the driver, either, because the cars in Korea
all seem to have this ridiculous 40 inch GPS mounted to their
dashboards which would prevent anybody from properly seeing the road.
Add to they these huge satellite dish looking things which every
Korean seems to have mounted to their rear window and you can't be
surprised that nobody can add a thing.

These are all devices designed to aid drivers but unlike the GPS
systems we use, these things looks like a video game with bells,
horns, music and the most annoying cartoon voice SIRI wannabe you have
ever heard. The entire drive feels like you are being attacked by
Martians because this thing keeps screaming about upcoming traffic,
speed limits, tolls, crossing cows, Dunkin Donuts and Kimchee.

Please kill me, or actually I should say...Please don't kill me

1 comment:

  1. Koreans are not the worst drivers. The Chinese are the worst.

    Koreans know how to do it right, but they choose not to do so. That is because they are rude and inconsiderate as fuck.

    The Chinese are just incompetent. Especially the women.
