Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Take on the hairy man

I read this interesting factoid the other day and being that it is on
the internet, I reason it must be true. It basically said that an
increase of body-hair has a direct correlation with intelligence,
which as a fairly hairy man, I like to believe to be true.
Obviously, it can't all be true as my own circle of friends is a
collection of the hairiest trees this side of Siberia and there isn't
a single PHD amongst them. So, somehow this study seems to lack some
real world knowledge and turns the preconceived notion of the hairy
oaf on its head. Russians and Easter Europeans are hairy and they
always win chess competitions but then Asians, who are some of the
least hairy people on earth represent an oversized population at Ivy
League schools, Indians are often doctors and they have a lot of
forehead hair but not a lot of chest hair, I believe.

Then again, maybe the really smart people are manscaping (I am looking
at you Z&Z) which the hairy apes might think is a total waste of
efficiency and time.

1 comment:

  1. The hairiest people in the world are not Middle Easterners, but rather, Scandinavians. You just can't see as much of the body, arm, and leg hair on first glance on Scandinavians because the hair is blonde.

    But Scandinavians are not the smartest people on earth. Not even close.

    They have a lot of hot women, though. Which is prima facie proof that they are STUPIDEST f*cking people on the planet.

    The existence of IKEA and its crappy furniture is the second indicator that they are the stupidest.
