During my trip to the Apple store to replace an $8 battery for $79, I
was overcome with the kind of people who hang out at the Genius Bar on
a Monday afternoon. You have a bunch of yuppy nerds, freaky hipsters,
grandmothers, entire Hispanic families, professor dudes wearing
corduroys (terrible look by the way) with vests and tons of snot-nosed
But what was most shocking was some dude getting his ipad2 with retina
display serviced so he could buy the new IPadAir. This dude was about
to buy an $800 tablet yet was making calls on one of those Nokia
knockoff bricks from the early 90's.
I get that people have different prerogatives but sometimes their
prerogatives are just wrong.
By the way, thanks to this handy spell check I just found out they
there is some weird second R in the word prerogative. Can't find that
out on a Nokia knockoff
Shieeat, where da pussy at in da update?