Wednesday, October 23, 2013

take on the worst of the worst

When I read the article the other day about the mother who plead guilt to burning her 18 year old's son with a lighter, I didn't think it could get much worse..   Then I read that, along with a 20 year old accomplice, she also burned his nipples, had him eat sh!t and broke his ankle to boot, and I thought it couldn't get much worse.   First of all, what kind of sick f*ck does this to anybody, let alone their own flesh and blood but maybe more importantly, what kind of sicko gets off on this like this wench and her 20 year old cohort seems to have.

then I got a look at the mom and now I realize that hers is not a face that you can easily forget.   As some guys online have pointed out, this 'chick' looks like a cross between Abe Vigota and a hound-dog, which is a surprisingly brutal combination.

well, now you too have her face burned into your retinas, remember it the next time somebody asks you for a light

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