Friday, October 11, 2013

take on the new facebook privacy issues

Facebook has been all over the news again, as they once again are stomping on people's privacy and using their information to make more loot..

I don't have a real problem with it, for two main reasons.  I don't do Facebook, so don't really care but also because this is a free service in a free country and they can do anything they want..

what I did find laughable was that, in justifying this step, Facebook made the ludicrous statement that this would really only affect a single-digit percentage of their users.

For a company who claims to have 1.2 million people (1,200,000,000) a single digit percentage is still an awful lot of people.    Let's assume it's 5%, that would still be 60 million people who would now have their lives exposed to every Joe, Dick and Don Draper to advertise to..

I will also give a bunch of Joe, Dick and CJ's, free reign to stalk every one those  1.2 million people, for creepy pool-side pictures 

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