Wednesday, September 4, 2013

take on the ten month haircut

I've done something recently which I haven't done in years.. I went about 10 months between haircuts which meant that my hairdo went from the RedRooster to Alfalfa to John Goodman in the last few months.  With that said, I figured that my hair halfway down to my ass, I couldn't trust the guy with the parrot.  My decision was made slightly easier because with the money I've saved by not getting a haircut for basically a year, I would splurge and go back to Jean Claude Van Haircut.   

I walk in and the Ruskie starts cutting and shaving and clipping and tipping and asking question I don't know the answer to (mainly because I don't quite understand what she is asking).   Most of the questions had to do with wanting layers which sounds like something a chick gets done and she even grabbed a pair of scissors which only looked like scissors but without the sharp edges..  Twenty minutes later, I go from the hockey-haircut to something only slightly better.   I walk onto the street and as opposed to being out $8 for the parrot guy, I'm out $33 for the European style one..

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