Sunday, September 22, 2013

Take on The Pretty Kitty

There are some days when I just have to tip my hat to advertising. I
was zooming around a Groupon for Southern California the other day and
came across one for bikini waxes.

My first thought was, that like half off sushi, getting a deal on a
bikini wax might not be a great idea. For $27 to have some Asian
immigrant pouring hot wax all over your junk, just doesn't seem like a
smart decision. I wouldn't get LASIK from some quack advertising on
the subway, and this would be the same kind of medical procedure, I'd
have some real caution with.
Then again, you gotta give them credit for the name of the place...The
Pretty Kitty, does have a little something to it.

1 comment:

  1. In downtown L.A. in the Old Bank District, there is a popular pet store called the Pussy & Pooch.

    It is one block away from my favorite cupcake store, Big Man Bakes. I buy a dozen mini-cupcakes for the office there whenever I am in a good mood. The cupcake frosting is excellent on all of their flavors.

    And everyone who the Big Man hires to work in the shop is a 20-something year old attractive girl, usually light-skinned black, Latina, or Italian-looking. I guess he has a type.

    The girls are required to wear tight, form fitting brown tops and tight black pants. I have never complained about this.
