Monday, September 2, 2013

Take on the pre printed thank you card

I am not that into formalities, and think most of the American concept
of thank you cards for gifts you have already acknowledged is a bit
much but even I draw a line. My sister in law for a preprinted baby
shower thank-you card in the mail the other day thanking her for her
"generous gift" which "meant so much" and was "so thoughtful". I
get that people with newborns are busy, but come on..have a little
class. Somebody spends hard earned money to buy you something off
your registry, meaning it was hand selected by YOU, and you can't
bother to put pen to paper?

I was surprised she didn't get a mass thank you text

1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty sure I have never sent a thank you card to anyone in my life. Not for job interviews. Not even for wedding presents.

    That's probably because I value them less than toilet paper. When I receive a thank you card from someone, it takes me 3 seconds maximum to scan through the words and throw it in the wastebasket next to my desk.

    Thank you cards are a waste of time. It would be better to allocate that energy to doing something I'd appreciate, like emailing me an obscene photo.
