Monday, September 16, 2013

Take on the hole in one

The Dutch don't know much when t comes to fashion, style or class but
they certainly know how to keep some of the nicest airport bathrooms
around. As a connoisseur of public restrooms, I am well versed in
the levels of filth in those places, ones I've only become more aware
of when I was blessed with daughters.
One trick, which won't help the seat pissers in the stalls, is that
they strategically place pictures on the porcelain of their airport
urinals, to give the uncut masses something to aim at. This small
mind game, in my estimation, leads to 43% percent less floor piss, an
improvement I think anybody would appreciate.

Anyway, the Dutch may wear jeans and a tuxedo jacket to a wedding but
at least their shoes aren't piss covered

1 comment:

  1. Pictures of what? If it is a picture of Mike Tyson or King Kong Bundy, I'm away from it out of fear and respect.
