Thursday, September 19, 2013

Take in the subway seat stealer

about faking an injury in order to get a seat on the subway.  
The guy in the feature pops on a fake cast and voila, people are willing to give him any seat on the train.   obviously for those without a conscious, this fake injury is a great concept, even if it means some pregnant chick will wind up standing on a stinky train from Utica avenue 

But even if it sounds good in theory except for the fact it probably doesn't work.  Most pregnant chicks will tell you that getting anybody to give up a seat for them in their third trimester is like pulling teeth and earlier than that any sign of civility is hidden deep behind a newspaper

The article goes on to mention a few other methods of avoiding having somebody sit next to you like looking sickly but I usually have been fortunate to get my own seat by looking like a 
homeless person with newspapers jammed into my jacket pockets, my hair completely disheveled and my Hong Kong Feet

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1 comment:

  1. I think I saw a Curb Your Enthusiasm episode about this when Larry David faked being mentally retarded in order to cut in front of a movie line.

    He got caught.
