Thursday, August 15, 2013

Take on replay

So baseball has finally done something smart and added replay to their
game. I am not the biggest proponent of replay as it slows games down
way too much, but I'm a bigger proponent of getting calls right.
The issue is that they are following some kind of convoluted NFL model
where an ump will have to go under the good and coaches and managers
have to be strategic in their use of a limited number of challenges.
What baseball (and football mind you) should be doing is exactly what
I've heard suggested before. They should have one centralized
location where all calls are reviewed at MLB headquarters. Get three
umps in a room who are watching games all day and make calls on balls
hot down the line, balls making it over the wall and safe/out calls.
Make it automatic. As each play happens, let the officials at
headquarters decide whether to review, not a baseball manager who
doesn't have the luxury of slow-mo replay. There are guys who still
chart balls and strikes in a notebook, no way are they sophisticated
enough to handle a fast forward button on an IPad

Football should do the same, one official above (either in the stadium
or at the NFL headquarters) buzzes the field if there is a play to be
reviewed and then he reviews it on a 60 inch HD LED 3D TV with a
thousand angles, no crowd noise and a big bag of cheese doodles and
calls back within 60 seconds with a ruling

It's really not that complicated

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