Saturday, August 3, 2013

Take on the late bus

I vowed to never be that guy again.  The guy who after a late night
bender found himself drooling on himself during a long ride home on
public transportation.   Then again I also bowed to lose 10 pounds,
and we know how that is going
When I was in my twenties, I'd probably get smashed up a few times per
week but now I have a really big night out maybe once or twice per
year.   This usually means that I drink too much, eat badly and then
have to somehow manage to get home.   The problem is that the
combination is lethal because I am already sleep deprived so when I
get onto a bus or subway at 2am after 10 beers, there really is not
that much hope
Thursday, I was the guy who fell asleep on the midnight bus and woke
up only when another passenger tapped me on the shoulder to announce
that it was the last stop.  Sadly for me, the last stop also meant
that I had missed my stop by 5 miles.  So there I went, walking those
5 miles at 1am
Nothing makes your dread the next morning more than knowing you are
going to pass out at 2am and your kids will be up by 5:30


1 comment:

  1. You seriously walked 5 miles in the middle of the night? No taxi was called? This smells fishier than your toes.
