Thursday, July 25, 2013

take on a million dollars in singles

I read an article on Gawker yesterday about a bunch of cops who were ordered to return $1 million dollars in singles to a stripper after they took the money after a traffic strop.
The article explains that the cops confiscated bundles of singles tied in $10,000 bundles which the article explained was intended to be used to fund a bar/restaurant in NJ..

now this article has a few things scratching my head

Carrying a million dollars in cash is a bit odd, especially when you consider that they would be carrying a million singles.     I went online and some guy on yahoo answers predicted it would take 11 days, 13 hours, 46 minutes and 50 seconds to count to a million.. that isn't counting bills but just counting, so you'd have to think that literally counting a million notes could take twice as long and that doesn't include all the paper-cuts you'd get.   

Looking a bit further, I thought that a million dollars in singles must be incredibly clumsy and heavy to carry around.    Yahoo Answers predicts it that it would weigh about 2200 pounds (not including the rubber bands).   That is the equivalent of the combined weight of my entire fantasy football league and those guys are incredibly clumsy and heavy to carry around.

So how exactly would you shove this much money into a car and then drive it from Nebraska to New Jersey?  I have to think you need a UHAUL or something.   Then what would happened if you needed to take a leak or wanted a bit to eat.. You can't exactly take the money with you, so you'd risk getting some of it stolen each time you dropped a deuce

there are so many unanswered questions here, I think it might be time we go to FD's to figure them out.  

but by far the oddest part of this entire thing is that a stripper was able to save a million dollars, these are not people who are renowned for their financial acumen.  Most of them probably have the money they earned that night spent by the next morning on blow, whiskey and silver-dollar pancakes   

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