Saturday, July 20, 2013

Take on the 100 degree heat

When we read that NYC had broken its record for amount of megawatts
used, we were 't surprised. This has been an absolutely miserable
week, with tentative a topping or nearing a 100 for what seems like 6
straight days. The thought we continue to have is that the all those
AC's blowing cold air into those 3 million apartments are also blowing
out so much friggin' heat onto the streets, that just walking around
has become nearly impossible. The idling cabs along ninth avenue are
themselves contributing to a 2-3 degree upwards temperature swing, the
subways are pumping heat through the streets, but nothing compares to
the extra heat those AC's are causing

Maybe if everybody turned their AC's off, we'd actually cool the city
down and not feel like my balls are going to melt into my inner thighs

1 comment:

  1. lmfao I was reading this last paragraph out loud in my car ride
