Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Take on the vacation shirt

On my never ending list of "lame things white people do," I'd like to
add one more
I never quite got the appeal of wearing a shirt or hat with the
vacation spot while on said vacation. For eight days, I have watched
overweight balding dads sport an "I heart Puerto Rico" shirts and I
wonder if they just forgot to pack a suitcase. I -sort of- get,
wearing a vacation destination shirt when you are home, but wearing a
shirt which says Virginia Beach while in Virginia Beach is sad on so
many levels. This has to be a white person phenomenon because anybody
with any sense of style would realize wearing a purple Puerto Rico
shirt with green and yellow Bermuda shorts is wrong on so many levels.

It's the same reason Major League Baseball teams don't wear the city
they play for when at home, the home jerseys will say Mets or Phillies
while the road ones will say New York or Philadelphia Everybody
knows that they are where they are already.

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