Friday, June 7, 2013

Take on the subway smell

Somebody asked me if I missed taking the subway regularly, the other day.

Having moved out of NYC about a year ago, I've obviously cut down my
subway time dramatically. I sort of miss it some days, but mostly
thank the good god that I so not have to be subjected to too much of
it. I can still easily rattle off virtually every stop on the
downtown, but what I had forgotten was the smell of urine and sweat
that hits you when you first walk onto the platform during the summer
months l. I get down there today and the entire station smells like
a that fat turd Jared croked on a footlong and died down there

It has always been a problem, when the weather gets hot, since there
is no good circulation. The stagnant air just gets filtered through
the hot and sweaty bodies and the remnants of some 23 year old's
Thursday Night are splattered all over the floor and is now running
into the piss of a homeless guy

So no, I don't miss the Subway

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