Sunday, June 16, 2013

Take on the MacBook Deejay

I remember being a kid and thinking that deejays were the coolest guys
in the planet. These guys knew the latest music, were at all the best
clubs and parties and probably got the hottest chicks. But somehow
when two turntables and a microphone got traded in for an MP3 player
and a YouTube playlist, everything changed. Last night, at a
wedding, the music was provided by two twenty-something nerds Long
gone were good party songs built on their intuition and instead we got
4 hours of techno played off a MacBook Air It's not that techno sucks
(which it does) but when the wedding party is made up of guys and
girls in their mid-to-late thirties, you gotta realize the Don't Stop
Believin' mashup isn't going to go well. You have to check out your
audience and realize that if the 'kids' aren't enjoying it and the
parents are stopping like flies, you are doing something wrong. I
have never been at a party where at at any given point 80 to 90
percent of the audience are hanging outside but that seemed to be lost
on these dweebs.

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