Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Take on Deltalina

Delta Airlines finally replaced the redhead with the crazy eyes in
their safety video. This chick was half Joanie from Madmen and half a
plastic surgery gone wrong after-school special but the combo was
intriguing. Frequent fliers will remember her well and although her
replacement us younger and hotter, Deltalina will always have a soft
spot in out hearts. Maybe it was the raised cheek bones, maybe the
weird eye or maybe it was the gigantic mouth but this chick made you
want to listen. She'd wave this finger in your face a la Bill
Clinton, she'd wink at you with her glass eye and she's threaten you
for using your IPhone but she did it with such vigor and passion, you
had to be turned on. You'd imagine she'd berate you during a moment
of mile high passion, but it didn't bother you.

RIP Deltalina

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