Thursday, May 9, 2013

Take on the Hyatt toilet for midgets

I often complain about the low hanging shower heads in American
hotels, which seem like they are set up for a society of 5'5 dudes
instead of one where men regularly shoot over 6 feet. I have noticed
that the Hyatt chain has taken it a step further, as their toilets are
ridiculously low. It could be a style, maybe they got a deal on
one-offs from American Standard or maybe the CEO is Mickey from
Seinfeld but either way I am the one who suffers. I believe there is
some research that sitting with your knees above your waist, aids in
shitting so this could be a health decision, or maybe they just care
to appeal to a shorter clientele (Asians??). The one thing I know is
that every time I tried to get off of this midget throne, I felt like
my knees were going to collapse.

So, I will not be seeking the Hyatt out anymore until they start
installing toilets for normal sized humans

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