Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Take on Charles Ramsey

There is no bigger star to the unbelievable story of the three women
and one baby kidnapped than Charles Motherfucking Ramsey. When I
first saw is story on TV last night, and saw Ramsey interviewed, I was
sure I was watching an episode of the Dave Chapelle show. This dude
is straight bananas, and if the 911 call didn't get you, his
interviews will. He's no hero, but I have to say he will be the next
Joe the Plumber, because it his hasn't brought him the kind of fame to
get him on GMA or Oprah or Ricki Lake, then there is no god
If nothing else, McDonalds should offer him a BigMac a day for life,
they'd get some good press and the way Ramsey looks, they'd be looking
at a payout of a year and a half tops, before he drops dead....and
that would be a sad day

If nothing else, somebody needs to get him onto the C.No list serve...

1 comment:

  1. I thought this was about Charles Ramsey, former longtime assistant Cal basketball coach under Ben Braun.

    I don't follow the news unless it involves sports or porn. Because of your post, I just found out today about the Cleveland trio of women kidnapped and freed. Thus, your blog provides a great service to people like me.
