Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Take on the foreign visa

As I stand on the line at the Chinese Consulate, something just hit me
like a case of bad shrimp. I get to the front of the line after
standing there for a good hour and have to explain the concept of the
Western calendar to the girl working on the desk. She kept telling me
that I could not get a 12 month visa since my passport would expire
before that. I explained that since today was March 6th and my
passport was valid until the end of April 2014, that this was not much
of an issue. She finally relented after my impromptu class of western
calendar 101 but it just shows again how frustrating this entire
process of getting a visa is. Gotta love the barriers countries throw
up to prevent you from visiting there. And don't even get me started
about the $150 fee they jam you with

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