Saturday, March 30, 2013

Take on electronic cigarettes.

I am all for having a guy kick a nasty habit even is it is with aid of help but I am getting increasingly concerned that those electronic cigarettes are the downfall for our great country. 
 is there anything lamer than those electronic cigarettes.  I get that long time smokers have both nicotine withdrawal as much as a withdrawal from having something in their hands but is holding a pencil shaped dildo really the best way to go?  These have become the new Virginia Slims and  like those,  any dude smoking one should probably upgrade to smoking something else. There is nothing as lame as feeling the need to puff away on a NJ transit bus and it might be due time for somebody to pop the next idiot who "lights" one up indoors 
The problem is that people aren't getting the hint that these are isiptic and I have seen them pop up everywhere and I am just waiting for Lebron James and Chris Paul to start rocking these like they do those idiotic fake black rimmed glasses


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