Friday, March 15, 2013

Take on the cab to the burbs

There are a thousand reasons why living in the suburbs blows donkey
including realizing you live in the lamest level of strip-mall hell.
But with all that, there is nothing worse than needing to negotiate a
cab-fare from the airport. If you live in the five boroughs, your
life is pretty good cause you get into the can and pay whatever your
meter reads when you get out. The problem is that when you need to
get to the burbs, the cabbies pull out this ridiculous book with the
prices Carmel charges. First of all, if I wanted to pay Carmel
prices, I'd call 666-6666 and get into a Towncar. This now becomes a
miserable negotiation because if it's busy at the airport, he's got no
reason to come off this fare quote. Yesterday the guy said my fare
would be $92 plus tolls and tip which would run you almost $150 which
considering it cost me $74 to get out there pretty ridiculous

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