Saturday, February 16, 2013

Taking on the muni-meter rates

When I stopped in the town square to drop off some dry cleaning I
happen to notice something was odd. It took me a second but quickly
realized that there was something funky about the muni-meter rates

$0.50 for one hour
$1.00 for two hours
$2.00 for three hours
$3.00 for four hours

So unlike anything else in the world, they parking rates increased the
longer you stayed

You go from paying on average $0.50 per hour if you stayed for one or
two hours but get bumped to $0.67 per hour of you stay for three or
$0.75 hour if you stay for four. This is not to mention the fact that
staying the exact allotted time is best impossible, so you are almost
always paying for time you are not using for fear of going over by 30
seconds and being penalized with a $50 parking ticket

Nice way of stimulating the local economy by enticing people shop in your town.


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