Friday, February 1, 2013

Take on the only in Chinese signs on the subway

As I travelled on the F yesterday I caught two signs for what I can
only imagine was some kind of transit information for Chinese New
Year. I say "only imagine" because neither of the two signs were in
English. I understand the concept behind a bilingual message board
especially when it pertains to a cultural holiday but really can there
not at least be one sign in English??
I'm not one of these guys who believes that we should shun our
non-English speaking residents but it pisses me off that the MTA
doesn't make any effort to include the non Asian speaking riders for
this valuable information

Maybe I need to travel to Flushing next weekend and if so I would have
liked to have been made aware of any possible transit disruptions

The other thing that pissed me off was that lady's ugly hat

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