Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Take on the LinkedIn deceased guy

I fired up my LinkedIn account a few months ago as I was preparing for
an industry conference I am hosting. I did what most people who
haven't been on for a while do including filtering thought the dozens
of requests for people I'd gotten over the last year or so. The issue
I had wasn't so much about accepting or rejecting requests but more
about the people who I knew had died. I had at least 3 requests from
people who I knew fairly certain had died and now I was left to make
an awkward decision.

I was pretty sure if I rejected them and they were still alive it
would be some pretty nasty karma and maybe their page had been set up
as a memorial where I could send some condolences.
I'd also find it awkward if they all of a sudden found out I rejected
them especially cause in all three cases they were pure business
contacts of people who worked for customers of mine
But worse yet would be if I accepted the invitation because now
everybody in my circle would read that I just befriended a dead guy.

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