Friday, February 22, 2013

Take on the bathroom at the Y

I hate public restrooms with a passion and that hatred has only grown
since I became a father.
Just last week while taking my daughter to swim-class at the local Y,
my hatred boiled over. We were in the boys changing room when she
told me she had to pee. The issue is there was only one stall in the
boys room along with about three urinals but since she is a girl it's
out only option. (Girls change in the boys locker room when they are
with their dads). With the class about to start, we were a bit
anxious because the door to the stall was locked. We wait for five
minutes which feels like forever to me but an eternity to a three year
old who has to go
Finally the door opens up and some 35 year old dude walks out and the
bathroom reeks to high-heaven. I confront him as I take my girl into
the bathroom why he, an adult, was using the boys locker room. He
claimed to have been confused and gotten himself into the wrong locker
room which seems unlikely because the place is packed with
pre-pubescent boys

So not only do I have to worth about her picking up some disease by
even walking into it, we also have to now wear a gas mask to cover the
stink of a homeless man

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