Sunday, January 13, 2013

Taking on parenting

I have been reading a bunch of parenting books lately and one of the
themes they keep repeating is trying to empower the kids so that thy
feel they are involved in some decisions. They suggest giving a kid a
choice between two pairs of pants, two books or a couple of fruits and
all-in-all it's a pretty good method to get things done.
The problem is that I've now given my kid way too many options and
find myself completely frustrated
The other day I have her am option of supermarkets and when she chose
A&P because the shopping carts have a kid's car attachment. This is
great until I realized that I didn't need to go to A&P that day, I
needed to go to Trader Joes for some of the premarinated meat. So
there I am standing in the wrong supermarket and as opposed to being
out in 10 minutes it takes me 15. Plus that instead of getting my
cooking done in 15 minutes, I now had to spend 30 minutes

Hey at least she got to drive in the shopping cart with the blue car
attachment so I was able to shop for the wrong items in peace

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