Sunday, January 20, 2013

Take on the day old bagel

Jersey bagel shops already have the obvious things going against them
like major competition for breakfast from diners, a snobby clientele
used to NYC bagels and generally a lack of interest in efficiency but
none of those are issues a bagel shop cannot overcome.

When you own a bagel shop and on Sunday Morning at 9am you have to ask
if somebody wants a their lox spread on poppy toasted you have failed.
The only reason somebody wants a toasts bagel is because the ones
they are offering aren't fresh and that is sort of acceptable at 3pm
but on Sunday morning before noon it's criminal. That is like going
to a bar and the bartender asking if you want your beer cold or going
to a run and tug place and asking if you want your masseuse to be
female. There are only a few things you need to do right l, the most
important one is being fresh

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