Thursday, December 13, 2012

Take on SnapChat

My much hipper than me sister-in-law was telling me (or yelling at me)
about some new craze called snapchat which as far as I can tell is a
new iOS app which allows you to talk with people while sending
pictures of yourself. I'm not 100% sure why this is cool or necessary
considering you could stream yourself using FaceTime or Skype but if
this is what the hipsters in Billyburgh think is cool then who am I to
say otherwise. I don't know hip but i do know weird looking chicks
so when
I clicked on the website, I was just frightened at the
look of the two broads on the front page.
I guess the theory is that because they ate blond and kind of young we
are supposed to believe they are hot but a closer look tells you
otherwise. First of all they both have crazy in their eyes which for a
wild night with too much JD sounds like fun but for a website they
look like they are possessed
Secondly when you zoom in the one chick becomes so not hot. Between
her thirteen chins, a weird mark on her chin and some kind of weird
growth in her mouth she looks like a castoff from Aliens
Keep your mouth open honey cause the way your career is going you
might be doing a lot more of that...while on your knees

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