Sunday, December 9, 2012

Take on new tolls

Driving across the bridge last night I noticed that they had raised
the tolls again. It's not THAT long ago when they went from $2 to $4
and I remember them saying that it wouldn't raise again but like
anything the government touches, it just becomes a complete money pit.
I don't know where all of if goes but I'm sure that wages haven't
increased by more then 600% since it was $2 in the 80's to $13 today.
I get trying to limit the amount of people during peak hours and
granted the rates are SLIGHTLY lower on the weekends. Don't we want
to incentivize people to try to spend money, go to Broadway, eat at
restaurants but it you are banging them for $13 that may limit the
amount of people coming into the city.

What is even more ludicrous is that you are still banged for almost
fifteen bucks if you need to go to CT. You aren't even making it into
NYC. You would think the Cross Bronx is punishment enough

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