Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Take on the lines at Port Authority

Years ago I used to take the bus to New Jersey cursing every second of
the experience but if I could somehow get back to those days now I'd
kiss the Port Authority floor. That is because 15 years ago it was
an awful experience but at least you could get onto a bus within 15
minutes. Today the waits are absolutely endless with lines often
stretching 200 or more people. Please realize that the average bus
holds less than 80 people so when there are 200 people in front of you
it takes three full buses to pass you before you can get onto one.
This is the cruelest of ironies because you wait on line in one of the
most miserable places on line to take one of the most miserable modes
of transportation to get to the armpit of America

No wonder I take the ferry almost every day

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