Friday, December 7, 2012

Take on the city Christmas Tree racket

There really is nothing more depressing than to see the racket that
has become the NYC Christmas tree business. The entire concept is
based on preying on the desperation of sleep deprived parents trying
to bring some holiday cheer to the otherwise miserable lives of their
snot nosed Ritalin abusing kids. I walked past a bodega today on 23rd
and 3rd and was appealed at the for feet of lifeless branches they
were charging $40 for. I am keenly aware of this ripoff having
spent $100 for a city 'tree' two years ago which looked like it had
gone through Chernobyl. Honestly the moss covered, covered in dog
piss, fungus riddled bushes they get away with calling trees is
criminal but then again the city is full of suckers hoping to become
one with nature

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