Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Take on Big Disney Brother

I have had strep throat twice in a month which is still better than
having to go to Disney World twice in the same period. One of the
reasons i hate the Happiest Place on Earth is because the entire place
just reeks of faux happiness. They greet you with a smile all while
banging you for $250 per night for a room no better than the Holiday
Inn Express. The Magic Mickey Express that brings you from The
Orlando to the resorts is like riding on a school bus to hell with 80
kids screaming "it's a small world after-all" at the top of their
little lungs all while I try to poke an ice pick into my ear-drum
But what really gets me is the fact that they prevent you from
accessing any porn. I am a grown man, living in a supposedly free
country where I am supposed to be able to exert free will yet when I
am under the great eye of Walt I cannot log onto redtube or XNXX or
youporn and it's completely ridiculous. Why do we send young men and
women to fight tyranny and evil across the globe if I can't even get
15 minutes of MILF lesbian action

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