Saturday, November 24, 2012

Take on the Thanksgiving desert line

On Wednesday on my way into work I got caught behind a line in the
middle of 43rd street. By the look of preppy white people standing on
line I was sure that Apple had released a new IPhone or there was a
new Maroon 5 CD out but instead when I finally got past the 45 or so
people I realized they were all waiting online for some Thanksgiving
desert. See there is a place called the Little Pie Company on 43rd
street and apparently your white yuppy friends will look down upon you
if you won't wait for 45 minutes to get a pumpkin pie for their
Thanksgiving feast so these idiots stand in line for ever so that they
can walk in with a box emblazoned with LPC on it even though you just
know that nobody will remember when it gets thrown onto a table with a
thousand other diabetes causing options

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