Friday, November 9, 2012

Take on PSE&G inefficiency

When I finally got home yesterday after 10 days of sleeping on a couch
because my power was out, I was thrilled. Excited because after
everything we finally were able to settle back down in the comfort of
our own beds and couches and not dependent on other people.
What I wasn't as thrilled about was what I saw as I drove back home.
I saw a bunch of PSE&G trucks with two cranes working on an
electricity pole fixing what would certainly give a bunch of families
like mine some much needed juice. What got me were not the 3 guys up
in the cranes but the 18 guys standing street level. These guys were
all standing around undoubtedly looking to do something but instead
proved again the inefficiency people across Long Island and New Jersey
have been screaming about for two weeks. These guys weren't doing
anything other that shooting the shit and this wasn't happening at
lunch-time. With thousands of people still without power, there just
has to be a more efficient way of utilizing these employees I know
for a fact that there are local lines still down from people's houses
to the pole on the street, you would think a couple of these guys
could be up there fixing those situations instead of discussing how
those four Doug Martin TD's killed them in fantasy that week

Get your crews working PSE&G, this is getting beyond ridiculous

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