Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Take on muscle milk

As I have gotten older i have learned the importance of a well
balanced breakfast. Whereas I would go many days without eating
anything until 1pm in my youth, I now feel completely famished at 8am.
I usually chow down on a subway flatbread with egg-whites and chipotle
or one of those egg and sundried tomato sandwiches from Pret but with
Hurricane Sandy last week everything anybody knew changed. I slept
at a buddy's place and as I walked out on my way to work he handed me
a box of muscle milk which he claimed was a very nutritious breakfast
and quite filling. Not only was I starving by the time the clock hit
10 but I also felt like I had just downed a pint of Elmer's Glue. This
stuff makes you wish for the bologna and mayo sandwiches they offered
in the elementary school cafeteria.

It's no wonder only meatheads drink this crap

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