Sunday, November 4, 2012

Take on the color green on packaging

One of the biggest deceptions out there has to be these new food
company packaging. I walk into every supermarket and all the chicken
is now wrapped in containers with these carefully designed green lines
all over them giving them the appearance of being organic when in fact
it's the same hormone injected, triple caged, featherless bird Frank
Purdue usually sells you. But that is where a little perception goes
a long way because with just a couple of green letters and a green
swirl around the logo the same malnutritioned fowl becomes a pampered
hen living off organically grown feed, sleeping on plush pillows and
soothed to Enya with only the work of an effective marketing team and
a not-do-bright public

Same thing with all these "all natural" catch-phrases which are just
devises used to trick a gullible consumer into thinking it's organic

But the worst thing might be "kosher" which somehow stamps quality
onto the product for many folks when in fact it only means the same
slaughtered testosterone filled cow with three eyes got thrown into a
warehouse and blessed by a dude in a black hat ad white shirt
Although at least you are assured there isn't going to be any swine
mixed in with your roid raging bull

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