Friday, October 19, 2012

Take on Starbucks

Is there a more depressing place on earth that a Starbucks on a
work-day in the suburbs? The place is packed with guys trying to be
productive but every time you peek over the shoulders they are usually
surfing on espn, Grantland or youporn I don't care how people work
their time but you just know these schleps are telling their wives
they are job hunting all day and have to go home at five to tell their
kids they will be eating hot-dogs for dinner again tonight. I can't
say I have done that much job-hunting but I am not sure that Starbucks
is the ideal spot. Not because the coffee isn't good but because it
probably convinces these deadbeats that they are doing something
productive by showing up day after day and ordering a small coffee
supposedly job searching while actually spending their days debating
politics with the iFriends on some fantasy football message board

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