Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Take on DMV

I have wasted a lot of time in my life but nothing irks me more than
the DMV. The people at DMV are so utterly disgusting, it's like they
opened the gates and invited every piece of garbage to come in for a
free buffet. I remember hearing how privatizing the DMV would do
wonders for customer service but having now spent three says of my
life in these hell-holes i can say that nothing has changed. The
service reps all seem annoyed that they have to, you know, do their
job. The "customers" are treated like cattle as they herd us from one
line to another with absolutely no-end-in-sight

But the worst thing is something different. The smell in this place
is just awful, I am convinced the dude sitting next to me croaked a
few months ago and nobody noticed.

Maybe I will take his number because his is coming up any minute

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