Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Take on vigilance

I keep seeing signs asking people who 'see something' to 'say
something' so when I walked down some side stairs in the bus station
this morning and came across three suitcases laying scattered on the
floor I had some serious questions. Not only was it random but with
this being the 11th anniversary of 9/11, I felt like it was my civic
duty to say something.
As I walk through the bus station it is shocking how few cops are
around anywhere and being NYC calling 911 on a cell-phone is worthless
because my crappy IPhone would never fid a tower to connect to. But
finally I see a glimmer of light when I are an MTA worker coming down
the hallway, I pull him over to show him what I discovered and we both
go into hunker down mode. Glad he didn't have a gun cause 30 seconds
later some tourist comes down the stairs with another one of those
ridiculous suitcases and asking what the fastest way to JFK is

Crisis averted

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