Friday, September 7, 2012

Take on the IMac mouse

With great enthusiasm we welcomed the newest member of our electronic
home recently. I have read for years about the usability of the Apple
products and after switching from my BlackBerry to my IPhone I started
to see what it meant when a company focused on layout, ease and
aesthetics instead of windows and it's litany of ctrl-alt-delete type
commands. Well the screen is gorgeous, the layout is nice but I
cannot for the life figure out the mouse. Only one button is already
hard enough to try to conquer but what really gets me is that the
mouse movements when you only touch it and don't roll it are opposite.
This mouse doesn't need a wheel in the center for quick scrolling but
instead utilizes some kind of sensor which allows you to glide you
finger over the mouse to have it react on the screen which is an
elegant concept Problem is that when you move your finger up the
little arrow on the screen goes up and when you move your finger down
the icon goes up. For a company whose whole motto is usability this
seems completely counterintuitive

I wonder if my IPhone will even allow me to post this blog or if it
will get thrown in the moat around the walled castle of Jobs

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