Thursday, August 2, 2012

taking on the Jets beat reporters

There are probably 20 people in the entire world who this will mean
anything to other than me but one of the downfalls of twitter and our insatiable thirst for updates.   There is nothing more pathetic than watching the Jets reporters try to trump one another on 'breaking news' as the regular beat-writers are in a perpetual race trying to get to be first regardless how irrelevant the information.   I get that in 'news' there is a
premium on being first but following Rich Cimini and Manish Mehta is like watching two mental patients competing in a three legged race.
During training camp the two of them easily represent 60% of the stuff on my twitter feed and literally everything one guy 'breaks' news the other 'breaks' it two seconds later. 
9:15.05AM Mehta  "Sanchez gets sacked by Coples on the third play of 7-on-7 drills"
9:15.18AM Cimini  "Coples sacks Sanchez early on during 7 on 7 team drills"
The sad thing is that what they are breaking is usually the least important thing you have ever read like the waiving of some fifth-string safety, some unsigned offensive lineman tweaking a nut or just regurgitating what Rex said
Then the two of them (Mehta more than Cimini) will tweet out reviews from the day which are literally the same crap he's been tweeting all day.. 


  1. I'm definitely not one of those 20 people. But mark Sanchez is very cute. I used to watch hbo's hard knocks or whatever it was called when the jets were on. Their large framed coach is fun but I miss the old no nonsense serious looking black coach. Was he any good? Anyways, on hard knocks, Mark sanchez's personality was adorable. He was kinda low self Esteemish At times which is not that hot in real life but for someone so hot, it was very cute. My iPhone capitalizes random words. J-e-t-s

  2. David why the f does your ghetto blog site not
    Let me publish under my name?! I hate "anonymous" commenters!
