Saturday, August 25, 2012

Take on the new MTA public service ads

You gotta love those public service ads on he trains,  you know those MTA beauties with little stick figures giving dire warning against riding between cars or giving to the homeless.    Well the latest one is one warning strap-hangers from standing too close to the platform edge as you boils get killed by an oncoming train.  Pretty solid advice I would say although it has to rank up there with 'look before your cross the street' or 'wrap up before you bang a Brazillian prostitute'. 
The thing is although this is nice advice, I can't imagine anybody reading this thing and thinking 'woe that is really good information, I should not do that anymore'    My guess is out of the 147 accidents, 145 of them happened to some drunk kid or some strung out meth-addict

The other two were probably pushed by homeless people.    

If you are falling down drunk I doubt a little sign is going to make a difference so the only one they are protecting are the ones getting shoved by the craze homeless dude so maybe they should change the sign to say. "stay away from the edge when a dude who smells like rotting flesh with 3 huge hefty bags full is walking on the platform'

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