Monday, August 20, 2012

take on Bank of Idiots

When I had to transfer my car's registration from one state to another, I was sure having to deal with the DMV would be the most frustrating portion of the transaction.   Although this cannot be a very complicated manner since people move regularly, the thought of having to deal with two seperate DMV's was beyond frightening..   Well I was (un)pleasantly surpised when the DMV portion seemed to be fairly straight forward and easy.. not because the DMV has made it so easy but instead because the Bank who holds the title of my car is run by a bunch of idiots.

I sent over all the relevant information to Title Support at Bank of America three weeks ago.. It was a pretty simple request, one which I assume they get often but one that they can't seem to perform easily.   Two weeks after I put in my request I still had not heard back from DMV and when I called them they told me they were still waiting for my bank to send the title.  I called Bank of America and after being ping-ponged around their automated system and finally speaking to a rep, I was handed over to the property title division which apparantly is NOT the same one which handles car titles.  They finally get me to the right spot after three transfers and a bunch of hold times and I speak with a guy who informs me that they tried to reach me last week but the phone number on my request was incorrect.    I asked them the number they had on record and they gave me a mangled version of my own.   Now I can understand that we can have typos and user error but I've been a Bank of America customer for 20 years having gone through the Fleet and NatWest versions so you would think that somewhere in their entire system which includes checking account, savings account, car-loan account they would be able to cross-reference my account and get my cell-phone number, work-number or email address from somewhere, God knows they send me enough junk mail and spam.
anyway they told me they'd call me back within 2 days to settle this...
fast forward five days and surprise surprise I still have not gotten any call from my dear friends over at BoA...  I call over there again and after doing the automated jumble again finally speak with some broad who tells me they tried to contact me on Wednesday but that the number was wrong..  these jackasses corrected the number on the request but STILL CALLED THE INCORRECT ONE.
absolute idiots.

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